David Johnston
David Johnston founded Accept & Proceed with an aim to produce clear, simple, purposeful design. He has cultivated an enviable roster of clients for Accept & Proceed who now create global work for amongst others; Google, Nike, and Rapha. Having studied design at Central Saint Martins and with a career spanning Europe, David has worked for the Overland Group and branding giants including Interbrand and Newell […]
Brainard Carey
Brainard Carey lectures on art and art education. He is an artist that collaborates with his wife Delia Carey. Their collaborative, Praxis was included in the Whitney Biennial and they continue to make art, exhibit in biennials as well as conduct workshops and shows for their current project, The Museum of Non-Visible Art. The interviews on […]
Stefan Simchowitz
Stefan Simchowitz (born in Johannesburg, South Africa on October 8, 1970) is a Los Angeles-based art collector, art curator, and art advisor. He is a vocal proponent of social media as a legitimate vector for discovering, distributing, and popularizing the fine arts, primarily using Facebook and Instagram as platforms for self-promotion, discovering new artists, and […]
Elisabeth von Samsonow
Elisabeth von Samsonow is a Vienna based artist and philosopher. She has run the miniature circus “Hieronimus” after her studies, and started teaching philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich. She was a guest student to the studios of Eduardo Paolozzi and Daniel Spoerri who had held chairs at the Munich art academy that time. When she moved […]
Luis Camnitzer, part 2
This is a continuation of the interview that began on 12/09/2015, It was recorded on Saturday, January 2nd, 2015.
Become a Member of the Museum of Non-Visible Art

“Membership” as they say, “has its —— .” That’s how we feel about your membership here. Includes perks and discounts as well as private party invitations. Also a beautiful member […]
Press Clippings for MONA

The kickstarter project was a huge hit and it generated significant buzz that continues to grow. From around the globe, news outlets to blogs have asked the question – what […]
MONA Manifesto

A MANIFESTO: TO CLARIFY THE NON-VISIBLE 1. Art itself is nothing. All that matters is what is left. The afterglow. The ambition is to produce this. We strive for an […]
James Franco defends Non-Visible Art on Jimmy Kimmel

A great moment in television – when the hotest actor of the year uses the history of conceptual art and his knowledge of the Museum of Non-Visible Art to defend […]
With your 3-D glasses on, these words explode forward, shattering your screen and it looks as though a hand is reaching out to grab you and pull you in, but […]