Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeInterviewsArtistsYasser Ballemans

Yasser Ballemans

02 Profile foto Yasser BallemansYasser Ballemans (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) is investigating the relations between carnival and art, as well as experimenting with active models for art in the context of carnival.

Carnival is a time in which the world is temporarily turned upside down. Not the major but Prince Carnival is in charge. Whole cities change into a big decor in which intensive partying and masquerades goes hand-in-hand with political criticism. Ballemans sees carnival as a challenging stage for fine art. In his earlier work Yasser Ballemans investigated the progressive quality of ornaments and decoration. Learn more about his work, click here.

No 2,4,5,6 Overzicht
Nos. 2, 4, 5 and 6 ceramic circa 400x600x200 cm,  2008
MMMTA Nr 0 01
Much More Matter than Antimatter, No. 0 metal, stones, rail diameter 1400cm height 500cm,  2010
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