Graeme Williams
I grew up in the whites-only suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa during the apartheid era, when South African law decreed that 92% of the population were regulated to the status of second-class citizens. My interest in photography began at the age of twelve, but I soon realized that a Kodak Instamatic was never going […]
Daniel Terna
Daniel Terna (b. Brooklyn, NY, 1987) is a Brooklyn-based artist using photography and video as a means to uncover, reveal, and direct attention towards the overlooked. As the first-generation child of immigrants (one of whom is a 94 year-old Holocaust survivor and painter, and the other a child of survivors), he has produced several photographic […]
Daniel Terna
Daniel Terna (b. Brooklyn, NY, 1987) is a Brooklyn-based artist using photography and video as a means to uncover, reveal, and direct attention towards the overlooked. As the first-generation child of immigrants (one of whom is a 94 year-old Holocaust survivor and painter, and the other a child of survivors), he has produced several photographic […]