Amir Mogharabi

“Amir Mogharabi is a young Iranian artist based in New York. He holds a degree in philosophy from the University of California and has founded an interdisciplinary journal that explores theory, art, and music: a meta-project he has called Farimani, an anagram of his mother’s maiden name. Mogharabi is not interested in the meaning of […]

Kianoosh Motallebi

Working with videos, animations, installations and (found) objects Kianoosh Motallebi’s practice focuses on the ‘the material’ as a common ground for the man-made and that natural. By delving into the intrinsic qualities of a medium, technology or phenomena he seeks connections that have poetic resonances with human experience, redrawing or altering the process through which […]

Marc Räder

Marc Räder (1966, Bochum, Germany) is a photographer and artist based in Berlin, Germany. His work investigates / deals with questions about the nature of the photographic medium while following documentary themes. In the middle of the 90s he developed his photographic style of a ’miniaturizing gaze’ – questioning the reality of the depicted and […]

Edward Tyler Nahem

Edward Tyler Nahem is a New York City based art dealer, theater and film producer. His eponymous gallery is located on West 57th Street in New York City and specializes in Modern, Post-War, and Contemporary art. Originally founded more than thirty years ago, the gallery has developed an international reputation for exceptional monographic and thematic […]

Be Andr

Be Andr (1978, Oslo, Norway) is an artist that lives and works in London, UK. Andr studied Fine Art at The Florence Academy of Art, Italy and at the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL. He has exhibited internationally most recently with exhibitions at La Posta Foundation, Spain; Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Israel; CCA Andratx […]

George M. Haddad, aka Cousin George

George M. Haddad, aka Cousin George is a New York based Singer/Songwriter and founder of Wall Street Refugee Studios (WSRS).  George’s mission is to combine Contemporary Art, Music and Design in ways that have not been done before.  An avid art collector, George began collaborating with various artists to create both music videos and art. […]

Jon Isherwood

Jon Isherwood‘s most recent sculptures represent the further development of his ongoing dialogue with the associative sensations of form and surface. Forms are compressed, distorted, or squeezed, and made more intimate by subtle adjustments of scale. He does not imitate the body; however, the sensual aspect of the manipulated shape proposes physicality to the viewer […]

Oron Catts

Oron Catts is the Director of SymbioticA, The Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts, School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology, The University of Western Australia. He is also a Visiting Professor of Contestable Design, Royal College of Arts, London, and a Visiting Professor at the School of Art, Design and Architecture, Aalto University, Helsinki. […]

Kimberli Meyer

Kimberli Meyer studied architecture at University of Illinois, Chicago, and art at California Institute of the Arts. She has been the director of the MAK Center for Art and Architecture at the Schindler House in West Hollywood, California since 2002. She has initiated and organized many programs there, including the exhibitions How Many Billboards? Art […]

Andrea Kitts – Senn

Andrea Kitts-Senn, is a Los-Angeles based artist and designer, and her journey has been driven by an endless curiosity. She welcomes the unexpected, constantly searches for new materials and likes to use unique elements removed from their original intent. An avid traveler, she counts hardware stores and open air markets in far corners of the […]