Violeta Ospina

font-size: large;”>Interdisciplinary artist who operates at the crossroads of visual, education and living arts. She has spent most of her life in Bogotá, where art can be found in a hole in the asphalt. She lives and works in Barcelona since 2015, and she speaks from migrant body on the borders of multiply body, overturning technology […]

Graeme Williams

I grew up in the whites-only suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa during the apartheid era, when South African law decreed that 92% of the population were regulated to the status of second-class citizens. My interest in photography began at the age of twelve, but I soon realized that a Kodak Instamatic was never going […]

M. Evelina Galang

M. Evelina Galang is the author of the story collection Her Wild American Self (Coffee House Press, 1996), novels One Tribe (New Issues Press, 2006) and Angel De La Luna and the Fifth Glorious Mystery (Coffee House Press, 2013), the nonfiction work Lolas’ House: Filipino Women Living With War (Curbstone Books, 2017), and the editor of Screaming Monkeys: Critiques of Asian American Images (Coffee House Press, 2003). Among her […]

Natasha Ria El-Scari

Natasha Ria El-Scari is long known for being an acclaimed local poet, writer, feminist, and educator but in this offering, her third book, she takes a sharp turn to lean into not only non-fiction but also motherhood. Mama Sutra is an opening to over 15 years of conversation about lovemaking that she has had with […]

Nicole Schmölzer

Nicole Schmölzer works with oil paint and ink. Her intuitive, abstract imagery emerges out of the dynamics and the organic flow of the fluid paint, in which gravitation, sedimentation and other process-oriented approaches are in play. The distinctive characteristics of her work lie in a play and counter-play of intention and chance, suggestive rhythms, as well […]

Nicole Schmölzer

Nicole Schmölzer works with oil paint and ink. Her intuitive, abstract imagery emerges out of the dynamics and the organic flow of the fluid paint, in which gravitation, sedimentation and other process-oriented approaches are in play. The distinctive characteristics of her work lie in a play and counter-play of intention and chance, suggestive rhythms, as well […]

Duane Michals

Duane Michals is an artist with an exhibition at the time of this interview at The Morgan Library as well as DC Moore Gallery.
He has published numerous books throughout his lifetime, and many of them can be seen and bought here.

YORT from Duane Micha…

Adam de Boer

Adam de Boer graduated with a BA in Painting from the College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2006) and an MA in Fine Art from the Chelsea College of Art, London (2012). Recent exhibitions include Hunter Shaw Fine Art, Los Angeles (2018/2016); Elevator Mondays, Los Angeles (2018); World Trade Centre, […]

Margaret Keller

Margaret Keller’s large-scale installations are concerned with the impact of humans and technology on the survival of all interdependent species on earth, as we stumble into the future.  Issues she addresses include speculative possibilities for planetary  and species survival, climate change, natural disasters, gender, surveillance, and our experience of nature in this digital age. Using […]

Tannaz Farsi

Tannaz Farsi’s practice straddles sculpture, installation and image making allowing her to work within a serial structure to create interdependencies in meaning. She uses organic materials such as flowers and plants, creates spatial compositions from light, air, words and continually engages with the history and specificity of objects to critically address broader socio-political systems through both […]