Scott Dolan

Scott Dolan started making Slight Headache comics in Iowa City in the summer of 1992 as a combination diaristic notetaking/money-making scheme. The small zines were quickly filled with images and text with the thought that any idea can be a seed for another idea, none too big, none too small. The original comics were sold […]

Brian Guidry

Reoccurring themes of technology and the manipulation of nature can be found in Brian Guidry’s paintings and installations. Guidry’s paintings range visually from compressed lines of color to abstract eruptions. The artist synthesizes color, sound and texture to create “digitized” or “dissolved landscapes,” using a specific color palette sampled from a variety of natural sources. […]

Tony Conrad

Tony Conrad’s pattern-centric paintings and drawings are the result of an ongoing interest in various cultural and historical movements including Persian textiles, Tibetan Buddhism, psychedelic rock culture, and meditative states. Conrad received his MFA degree in painting and drawing from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2009.  Currently, Conrad is a Visiting Professor of Art at […]

Kemi Adeyemi

Kemi Adeyemi is assistant professor of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies and Director of The Black Embodiments Studio, an arts writing residency, at the University of Washington. Her book manuscript on black queer women’s geographies of neoliberalism, and her co-edited volume Queer Nightlife, are currently in development. Adeyemi’s has forthcoming writing in GLQ: a journal of lesbian and gay studies, and […]

Roy Scranton

Roy Scranton is the author of I ♥ Oklahoma! (Soho Press, 2019), Total Mobilization: World War II and American Literature (University of Chicago Press, 2019), We’re Doomed. Now What? (Soho Press, 2018), War Porn (Soho Press, 2016), and Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization (City Lights, 2015). He […]

Maimuna Adam

Maimuna Adam grew up in Sweden and Mozambique. She completed a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art at the University of Pretoria, South Africa, in 2008. She creates mixed-media paintings on paper, book sculptures and video artworks using materials such as coffee, ink, banana fibre paper, charcoal, acrylic paint, canvas, found books and objects. As […]

Andre Bagoo

Andre Bagoo is a Trinidadian poet and writer, author of Trick Vessels (2012), BURN (2015), Pitch Lake (2017) and The City of Dreadful Night (2018). Their poetry has appeared in Almost Island, Boston Review, Cincinnati Review, St Petersburg Review, Poetry, and The Poetry Review. 

Simonetta Moro

Simonetta Moro is a visual artist, scholar, and educator whose work focuses on painting, drawing, and mapping practices. Through the interpretation of the phenomenological world, places become repositories of memory, points of departure for imaginary journeys, vectors of time and space, and sites of exploration and intervention. Moro’s research in cartographic aesthetics informs many of […]

Emmy Thelander

Emmy Thelander was raised in Massachusetts and currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. As an artist, she devises idiosyncratic systems that give rise to drawings, paintings, video and sculpture. Emmy received her MFA in Painting from Yale University in 2014 and a BFA from Washington University in St. Louis in 2010. She has been awarded fellowships […]

Dan Paz

Dan Paz is a Latinx visual artist and scholar. Dan’s research into histories and processes of image-making explores queerness, racialized identities, the complications of nationality, and the impact of migration in the Global South. Paz’s research encompasses image technology, the performance of representation, and the relationships inspired by the pursuit of making art. Their overall […]