Duane Michals PDFs

The following links are to PDFs Duane Michals began sending in 2020

Send on 2/25/22

Dear All,

Dedicated to Admiral Cooper.


Mr. Gilbert & Mr. Sysifus presents…

The Pittsburgh Pirate of Penzance
“I’m adrift to say a thankful thanks to you
for ACW’s epaulets and sailor’s top hat too
with a horny hornpipe toot”
Taran Tara, Taran Tara

I am the perfect model of a model perfect birthday gift
Full of generosity / without pomp-os-ity or thrift
I’ve taught a school of fish, and know the mysteries of the sea
I sail the ocean blue in a pink and blue tu-tu
And eschew a tattoo on my chest
And celebrate a nautical piece of cake
With Billy Budd in my bed
I rant Taran Tara / Taran Tara

I’ve information subliminal /  animal and vegetable
And sip me hearties hard-on treat /  a seashell brine so TERRIBLE
Anchors away with this motley crew
Ahoy ahoy, I say Adieu
I walked the plank / while the ship sank  / without a single thanks / or howdy do.
I joined an admiral overboard

Where we became shark stew.

Taran Tara, Taran Tara
Ye Olde Duane of Yore


Sent on 2/18/22

Dear All,

This is the last willy and testicles of Duane Michals:
I Duane MIchals, being of sound mind, herby leave you tea for two, and two for tea, and nine for me and none for you.
Ye Really Olde Me

Sent on 2/17/22

Dear All,

We number 3 are 1 + 2 equal you.
Oh say can you C, 4 equals 5 while I’m alive.
Minus 3 and we are back to 2 = 4
Close the door, number 10,
pick up sticks again, WHERE?
8 close the gate,
too late the cat got out and ate 9 mice,
not nice if you’re a mouse.
Listen, listen again,
I hear mother calling,
It’s time to eat soup.
It must be 7 o’clock.

30 + 30 + 30 = 90
Ye Really Olde Duane




Sent on 2/13/22

Dear All,
On the occasion of my 90th birthday, I am auctioning my first NFT!
You too can get horny with my Self Portrait as Unicorn NFT.
Here is a link to the auction, which is live now until Thursday.
If you have questions about purchasing NFT’s on Open Sea, this is helpful:
Auction ends Thursday the 17th, the day before my birthday, so please spread the word!
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 2/11/22

Dear All,
Ye Olde Duane

Sent on 2/4/22



Sent on 2/4/22
Hi All,
Oh what murders
we conceive
With bloodied rugs
we weave
On the stroke
of midnight’s eve
Ye Olde Duane
Sent on 1/27/22
Hi All,
Tweedle Do and Tweedle Don’t.
Tweedle Duane



Sent on 1/20/22

Dear All,
Who’s on first?
Ye Olde Duane

Sent on 1/14/22

Hi All,
Now you see it, now you don’t.
Sent on 12/31/21
Dear All,
20 + 22 = 42 hugs for you.
Ye Olde Duane

Sent on 12/10/21

Hello all,
Jingle bells, jingle all the way!
Ye Olde Duane

Sent on 12/ 1/21

Hi All,
Huff and puff and the unicorn’s bluff!
Dr. Duanus

sent on 11/23/21

Dear All,
Oh Daddy-O!
Dr. Duanus

send on 11/15/21

Dear All,
R E A D  M E
Dr. Duanus

Sent on Nov. 9

Hi All,
Barbie burps!
Ye Olde Ken


Sent on 11/5/2021
Dear All,
You’re under arrest!
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 10/28/21

Hi All,
Grow up.
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 10/27/21

Hi All,
Lewis Carroll in a barrel.
Dr. Alicemouse

Sent on 10/18/21

Hello all,

Me, Gustav von Aschenbach.

Sent on Sept 21, 2021

Hi All,
Breathless again!
Sent on 9/10/21
Hi All,
Now you see it,
now you don’t.
Ye Olde Duane
Sent on 9/8/21
Hi All,
Ye Olde Duane

Sent on August 31st, 2021

Hi All,
If she could find her way,
through the labyrinth,
she would find happiness.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on August 27th

Hi All,
Here’s a crumby little story.
Ye Olde Duane

Sent on August 24, 2021

All as real as yesterday.


Sent on August 20th, 2021

Hi All,
Have you tried this new restaurant?  I’ve been hearing good things.



Sent on August 16th

Hi All,
Hocus pocus!
Ye Olde Duane of Yore

Sent on August 2nd, 2021

Dear All,
Who was your first love?

Sent on July 30th, 2021

Hi All,
Have you ever met a Moonatic?
Dr. Duanus

Sent on July 19th, 2021

Hi All,
Say hello to Francois Faux Pas!
Ye Olde Duanus



Sent on July 16. 2021

Hi All,
Now it can be told, the Danny Entin story!
Doctor Duanus


Sent on July 13th, 2021

Hi All,

No trees were harmed in the making of these puppets.

Duane Geppetto


Sent on 7/6/21
Hi All,
String Theory.
Ye Olde Duane


Sent on July 5th 2021

Hi All,

A scatilogical serenade in three acts!
Dr. Duanus


Sent on July 1
Hi All,
Don’t play with sharp instruments.
Dr. Duanus


Sent on June 24th, 2021

Hi All,
Fotograpik by a fotografiker, circa 2011.
Never before seen by human eyes!
Olde Duane of Yore



Sent on June 18, 2021

Hi All,
Look and listen!  Oberon’s Opera!
Ye Olde Duane
Send on June 16, 2021
Hi All,
Move over Mickey.
Duane Mouse



Sent on June 11, 2021

Hi All,
What is the Universe?
Doctor Duanus


Sent on June 3rd

Hi All,
I pretend to be me, who do you pretend to be?
Dr. Duanus


Sent on May 26th, 2021

Dear All,
Summer’s here my dear.  Hug a pig and a naughty kid and stay away from trouble.
Dr. Duanus


Sent on May 21st, 2021

Dear All,
Cho Cho San says hello.


Sent May 11th, 2021

Hello All,
Kids are no damn good.
Except for me.


Sent April 23rd, 2021

Hi All,
Nothing is what it appears to be.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on Aril 14th, 2021

Dear All,
Here birdie, here birdie!
Duane “Alfred” Michals
Sent on April 9th, 2021
Dear All,
Morandi was a dandy.
Ye Olde Duane


Sent on 3/30
Hi All,
Venice the menace.


Sent on 3/26/21

Hi All,
Boom, boom, Baudelaire.

Ye Olde Duane of Yore
Sent on 3/22/21
Hi All,
Andy was dandy!
Ye Olde Duane


Sent on 3/10/21

Hi All,
Cold, colder, coldest…
Ye Olde Duane

Sent on 3/5/21

Dear All,
Wake up!



Sent on 2/26/21

Hi All,
Failed fables of mind music.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 2/23/21

Hi All,
Much a doo doo about nothing.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 2/16/21

Hi All,
Don’t try this at home.
Duane’s Dick’s Trick



Sent on 2/10/21

Hi All,
I did not write this.



Sent on 2/5/21

Dear All,
I’m going down for the count!
Ye Olde Duane




Sent on 2/3/21

A fart, is a fart, is a fart.

Ye Olde Duane of Yore
An Ode to Donald and Melanoma.pdf



Sent on 1/29/21

Don’t look inside.




Sent on 1/25/21

Dear all,
A Whitman windfall.



Sent on 1/15/21




Sent on 1/11/21

You’ll all be wearing this next year.
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 1/5/21

Dear All,
Go, yes, NO.



Sent on 12/29/20

Dear All,
It was her flaw that made her exquisite and saved her from the banality of perfection.
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 12/23/20

Dear All,
Merry Xanadu!

S. Michals


Sent on 12/17/20

Dear All,
Fart art.
Duane “The Artful Dodger” Michals



Sent on 12/7/20

Hi All,
Quickie quantum.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 11/25/20

Dear All,
This is not about you.
gobble gobble,
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 11/23/20

Dear All,
Sign on the dotted line.
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 11/17/20

Dear All,
Home sweet home.
Sonny (aka Dr. Duanus)



Sent on 11/11/20

Dear All,
Mirror mirror on the wall
Dr. Duanus is the fairest of us all.
Dr. Duanus sunauD .rD



Sent on 11/4/20

Now it can be told!
I’m announcing to the world that I am gay.
I’m here, I’m queer get use to it!
The Delightful Delirious Duane



Sent on 10/28/20

To occupant or current tenant….
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 10/22/20

Dear All,
God Bless America!
Uncle Sandwich



Sent on 10/16/20

Hello All,
2 + 2 = 5
Dr. Duanus



Sent on 10/6/20

Dear All,
“I am dying, Egypt, dying.”
-Mark Antony
Antony and Cleopatra (IV, xv, 41)
William Shakespeare
Duane of the Nile



Sent on 9/30/20

Dear All,
Beauty and the Beast, noblesse oblige.
Dr. Duane DeLovely



Sent on 9/24/20

Hi All,
Man oh man, Manet.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 9/22/20

Dear all,
The only hope is to vote.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 9/18/20

Dear All,
Ye Olde Dada



Sent on 9/15/20

Hi All,
Go Steelers!
Duane the Mckeesport Kid



Sent on 9/9/20

Dear All,
Paint the town red!
Ye Olde Artiste Supérieure



Sent on 9/2/20

Hi All,
Tanks for nothin.
Ye Olde Lt. Mike



Sent on 8/28/20

Dear All,
You are what you don’t wear.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 8/25/20

Dear All,
Fancy this.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 8/21/20

Dear All,
Experienced photographer looking for work.
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 8/17/20

Dear All,
Do not pet the poison ivy.
Mr. Green Thumb



Sent on 8/10/20

Dear All,
What time is it?



Sent on 8/6/20

Hi All,
Something for everyone!



Sent on 7/31/20

Ladies and Gents!
Life is a three ring circus!



Sent on 7/30/20

Dear All,
I am the new eighth age of man. GOOFY.



Sent on 7/28/20

Dear All,
I found religion.



Sent on 7/24/20

Dear All,
Sweet dreams.



Sent on 7/23/20

Dear All,
I salute my heroes!



Sent on 7/15/20

Dear All,
Next year you will all be wearing these hats!
Oooh la la!



Sent on 7/13/20

Dear Friends,
Grab your togas! Check out this retelling of The Odyssey by me.
I, Dr. Duanus



Sent on 7/7/20

Dear All,
Here’s a little catnip.
Meow meow!
Ye Olde Duane



Sent on 7/1/20

Dear All,
“Not us!”
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.



Sent on 6/29/20

Dear All,
Phoetry #5
Now it can be told. A true story.



Sent on June 25, 2020

Dear All,
Merry Christmas.
Ye Olde Duane
