Friday, July 26, 2024

Bettina Hubby

13669120_647130992107529_1000666624980045525_nBettina Hubby’s practice is wide-ranging, encompassing curatorial and project-based work as well as more traditional media such as collage, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, and photography.

Hubby’s projects engage diverse communities and often exist in settings that challenge the conventions of exhibition spaces. Her practice prizes collaboration, defies easy categorization, and monumentalizes the mundane.

Projects below are The Eagle Rock Rock and Eagle Shop, The Sexual Bronze Show, and Get Hubbied! The book mentioned was Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities.

The Eagle Rock Rock and Eagle Shop, view of the eagle side of the shop, Eagle Rock, 2012
The Sexual Bronze Show, installation view, Klowden Mann, 2016
Get Hubbied, advertisement in Artforum, 2011
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