Sunday, February 16, 2025

A K Dolven

A K  Dolven (b. 1953, Oslo) Lives and works in London and Lofoten, Norway. Dolven’s practice involves a variety of media; painting, photography, performance, installation, film and sound. Recurring themes in her extensive production are the representation of natural forces and their deep resonance with human sensibilities. Her work alternates between the monumental and the minimal, the universal and the intimate, resonating with concepts and structures beyond the confines of any particular piece. Interpersonal relations and interactions are central to her practice, and many of her performance-based works involve collaborations with other artists. 

A K Dolven has exhibited extensively internationally at a wide range of institutions and galleries including:  Kunsthalle Bern; Philadephia Museum of Art; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; IKON Gallery, Birmingham; Platform China, Beijing; The National Museum of Art, Oslo; KIASMA, Helsinki; Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø; CCC Tours, France and Louisiana Museum of Modern Art. Her work is included in central international private and public collections, among others Art Institute of Chicago, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Hoffmann Collection and Sammlung Goetz in Germany. Recent solo exhibitions include Kunsthall Svalbard, Longyearbyen, OSL contemporary, Oslo, (2016) and IKON Gallery, Birmingham, (2015).  Recent group exhibitions include the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark and 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai. 

The books she mentions at the end of the interview are by Clarice Lispector, many of which can be seen here. And here is the link to her book,  please return – 2015 book

ahead (detail), 2008, HD video projected on 6-8m tilted screen, 18 mins 43 s, SD video on monitor, 3 mins looped 2-channel audio, Rescue blankets on floor. Courtesy Wilkinson Gallery London and OSL Contemporary Oslo
this is a political painting (detail) 2013 Oil on aluminium 125 x 250 cm. Courtesy Wilkinson Gallery London and OSL Contemporary Oslo
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