“Business! Mankind was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The deals of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!” -Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
At this time of year, when abundance is set forth as the meaning of the season, it is important to keep perspective. Some of us have much, many of us have little. Whether it is the obligation of those who have to lift up those who have not is a topic of endless debate that drifts across generations. We must each decide whether to put forth into the world some measure of goodness that will help sustain those among us who might not be able to keep up with the considerable demands of a comfortable modern life.
Diana Settles joined us to discuss, among other things, her recent show at March Gallery titled A Life Worth Living Would be a Life Worth Living. The title grew out of a conversation with friends and Settles interest in scrutinizing what aspects of life make it worth living. Many of the activities depicted in the work are oriented toward the revelry in our abilities to shape the world around us and structure our lives in meaningful and joyful ways. For Settles, that means not being isolated from others, from the things made possible through our labor and not feeling disconnected with the things we interact with on a daily basis. To hear more, listen to the complete interview.
Spencer Lai sat down to talk about Academy for the Sensitive Arts, their recent show at Theta. The title speaks to the varied aspects of the show in a wry play on the idea of the historical canon of design schools or movements. Lai presented the work as a collection of works that make up a school of thought, hinting at indoctrination and training like we all go through, particularly in the art world. To hear more about this show and other aspects of Lai’s career, listen to the complete interview.
A Few Words to Keep in your Pocket
If you have plenty, consider offering some to those who do not.
Interviews are available on iTunes as podcasts, and for Android, please click here. All weekly essay pieces in a shareable format are here. The full archive of interviews is here.
Books to Read
What are you reading? Add your titles to our reading list here. Dianna Settles read The Tricking Hour by Irene Silt. Spencer Lai recommends Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh.
Pollack-Krasner Foundation offers multiple grants to emerging and established artists allowing them to focus on their work. There are some upcoming deadlines worth checking out on the foundation website.
Brainard Carey is an author, artist and educator. He is the director of Praxis for Aesthetics. He has written six books for artists, most recently Making it in the Art World.
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