Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Theresie Tungalik

theresie-011-1I was born on the sea ice in the month of March at the Arctic Circle. My parents were traveling by dog team so I would be born in the community of Naujaat,  Nunavut. I have lived around art most of my life and it has inspired me as I am a fan of great creator of art. Today I work with many artists across the territory of Nunavut. I have seen the changes and stills as tools and msterials become available to Inuit artists.

For the last 17 years I have been the Advisor for Arts and Traditional Economy  with the Government of Nunavut.   Through my job is have met some of the most interesting people. Art is one of the best ways to keep one busy and makes one come with new ideas that make one unique and identifiable though one’s creation.

Theresie Tungalik was interviewed by Kristen Fahrig for this edition.

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