Friday, July 26, 2024

Stacy Switzer

photo by Carson Davis Brown

Stacy Switzer is curator and executive director of Fathomers.

From 2004 to 2015, Switzer was artistic director of Grand Arts, where she curated and produced more than two dozen projects by artists including Glenn Kaino, Sissel Tolaas, Stanya Kahn, Pablo Helguera, Mariah Robertson and Sanford Biggers.

She has been a visiting lecturer, critic and consultant for Creative Capital, the Jerome Foundation, Smack Mellon, Mildred’s Lane, Philadelphia Exhibitions Initiative and many other organizations throughout the United States. Switzer is co-editor, with Annie Fischer, of Problems and Provocations: Grand Arts 1995-2015, published by Grand Arts and available from Artbook/DAP.

About Fathomers:

Fathomers is a creative research institute dedicated to producing sites and encounters that challenge us to live and act differently in the world. As the successor to Grand Arts (1995-2015) — the influential project space that produced the Propeller Group’s A Universe of Collisions, William Pope.L’s Trinket, and Tavares Strachan’s Orthostatic Tolerance, among many others — we cultivate the ideas of diehard dreamers, commission projects that seem far-fetched, and enlist expansive thinkers across disciplines to redefine the limits of scale, scope and support for artist-led projects. We do this because we value discoveries made absent predetermined outcomes, and we believe in the power of the realized dream as a model for visionary change.

Here are two video links with captions:

MYCO-COSMOS from Fathomers on Vimeo.

In November 2017, as part of an ongoing project with Phil Ross, Fathomers produced “Myco-Cosmos,” where famed mycologist Paul Stamets and new age legend Laraaji captivated hundreds of the myco-curious under a full moon at Los Angeles State Historic Park.

Michael Jones McKean: Twelve Earths (first look) from Fathomers on Vimeo.

A first look at Michael Jones McKean’s long-term, round-the-world collaboration with Fathomers, Twelve Earths — filmed at the remote Caribbean site of the Teignmouth Electron.

Michael Jones McKean and Fathomers on site at the wreckage of the Teignmouth Electron, Cayman Brac, spring 2017. Photo: Fathomers.
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