Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeInterviewsArtistsJolanta Sokalska

Jolanta Sokalska

Jolanta with mosaics

Jolanta Sokalska was born in Lublin, Poland. In 1976, she completed art education in Lyceum of Fine Arts. It was at that time she was introduced to “PHENOMENA of CREATION.”

Further, she was enrolled at The Academy of Fine Arts with a specialization in Glass Design, accomplished in 1984. The most influential professor to whom she benefited logical processing in art creation has been Mr. Alojzy Gryt.


VERYVERY MODERN , 36X36″ /Aluminum, industrial glass, shackles, cable/
CREATECREATECREATE=SURVIVAL 36×36″ /steel, acids, fused glass insert +glass enamels, bolts/
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