Monday, February 10, 2025

Jeff Talman

jtInternational artist Jeff Talman has created installations with the sound of the stars and the Sun, with the polymetric rhythms of pulsars, the hum of the Earth, the sound of the ocean’s depths, and that of a single kiss. His installations, often collaborations with scientists, have been presented in Cathedral Square, Cologne, Germany; the MIT Media Lab, The Kitchen, St James Cathedral in Chicago, Eyebeam and others including four installations in the Bavarian Forest. Recent installations were in Marc Straus Gallery, NYC (2013), at St Paul’s Chapel at Columbia University (2014), and in Rothko Chapel, Houston (2014) in collaboration with Dr. Daniel Huber, an astrophysicist with NASA.

Cited by Intute at Oxford University as a ‘pioneer of the use of resonance in artworks,’ his major achievement is the +15 year exploration of reflexive resonance, a process he developed in which ambient resonance of an installation site becomes the installation’s sound source. Talman’s installation Vanishing Point 1.1 (1999) first used this process and The New York Times, Wired Magazine and other publications soon noted the installations. Awards include artist residencies internationally and New York Foundation for the Arts and Guggenheim Foundation fellowships.

Listen to samples of his sounds here.  Watch videos with sound by clicking here.  The Rothko Chapel mini-doc examines the production of the installation, watch it here.

Come to the upcoming sound installation, When Soaring Sings.

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