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Gordana Zikic is a shamanic artist, studying and incorporating traditions and innovations in shamanism, both ancestral and contemporary.
She was born in Serbia, currently at Ph.D. studies in visual arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, where she got her MA and BA. Her art exhibitions include numerous solo and group shows in Serbia and Europe.
Gordana is a co-founder of Belgrade Artist in Residence program in Belgrade, Serbia, and Martial artist in residence, as part of the Center424 non-profit artist-run organization.
Belgrade Artist in Residence is a program as part of the Center424 non-profit artist-run organization that supports artists, curators and martial artists via one-week to three-month residencies taking place in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The programs aim to foster cultural exchange between artists from different disciplines, create a dialogue and promote possible collaboration.
We are looking to collaborate with other like-minded arts organizations in the world. This sustainable partnership could lead to joint art projects and foster the mobility of local talents by way of exchange and promotion abroad/locally.
Applications are ongoing . The application should contain a CV, a brief project proposal, period of your stay (with alternative dates), documentation of earlier works and preferably some info about yourself as an artist and your artistic practice.
Applications should be sent at:
Books mentioned in the interview are; Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, Mircea Eliade, Blue: The History of a Color, Michel Pastoureau and The Life of Milarepa, Translated by: Lobsang P. Lhalungpa.

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[…] Gordana Zikic is a visual artist from Belgrade, Serbia. She co-founded and runs an artist run residency in Serbia and is presently working toward her Ph.D. For her thesis exhibition, and in her work generally, Zikic explores themes of New Shamanism. As opposed to traditional Shamanism, those participating in New Shamanism do not have to be from an indigenous culture with Shamanistic ancestors. Instead, they can come to Shamanism in other ways. Zikic primarily investigates those Shamanistic practices involving rhythmic techniques such as hypnotic dancing or drumming. She acknowledges the chasm that exists between those practicing real Shamanism and those who have simply decided to be a Shaman. Zikic’s thesis installation will include magical objects collected over the years combined with small sculptures and wall drawings to create a temple atmosphere within the gallery. The narrative of her show combines personal mythology with those from cultures around the world. During her process, Zikic incorporates cat hair from her own pets in small sculptures and masks. A performative aspect in the form of photos and videos of the artist wearing some of her masks will perhaps combine with the masks themselves available for viewers to try on. […]