Sunday, February 9, 2025

Goran Denić

Babe, Sopot, 27.08.2020. Vesna Tasic, Goran Denic. Muzej korupcije, umetnicka instalacija, organizacija ZMUC, zemunski mali umetnicki centar. RAS foto Aleksandar Slavkovic

Goran Denić, was born 1966 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. 1985 -89 studied Law at Belgrade Faculty of Law, 1989 – 1992 BA FA from Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, University of Arts, Serbia. 1992 – 94 MA in Fine Arts with distinction in sculpture at UCT, South Africa. Besides working as an art manager and art director in native organisations he is experienced artist in cross media, from traditional (sculpture and printmaking) to audio, film and animation. Lived in Angola, Mozambique and South Africa, now lives in Belgrade, Serbia. One of the founders of ZMUC (community art centre) and Museum of Corruption. Exhibited in Albania, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Mozambique, Serbia, Thailand and Montenegro.
You can see some of his works here and if you can read Serbo-Croatian you can seel and comment son his book here.

remember spain, bronze wood acrilic, 60x60x30
hallo mum, 2005, bronze steel, 120x30x40cm
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  1. […] Goran Denić lives near Belgrade where he spoke to us while the pandemic rolled on. He had just completed an interview for German media before speaking to us. Denić helps run movable artist residencies; the home from where he spoke to us had housed dozens of artists over the years. The residency is intended to allow artists to travel and work around the region. The initiative is jointly funded by a number of organizations with the aim of artistic collaboration. The program running where Denić is based is a mixed media residency with themes like Taboos in Transition, Hospitality vs. Hostility and Museum of Corruption, the most recent work begun. This last, Museum of Corruption, began as an initiative with the idea that once corruption is placed in the museum, it becomes a museum object and loses its power to corrupt. Departments in the Museum of Corruption, which is entirely online at the moment, include Corruption of Time, Corruption of Language, Corruption of Personality and more. To hear more about this project and other works, listen to the complete interview. […]

  2. […] Goran Denić lives near Belgrade where he spoke to us while the pandemic rolled on. He had just completed an interview for German media before speaking to us. Denić helps run movable artist residencies; the home from where he spoke to us had housed dozens of artists over the years. The residency is intended to allow artists to travel and work around the region. The initiative is jointly funded by a number of organizations with the aim of artistic collaboration. The program running where Denić is based is a mixed media residency with themes like Taboos in Transition, Hospitality vs. Hostility and Museum of Corruption, the most recent work begun. This last, Museum of Corruption, began as an initiative with the idea that once corruption is placed in the museum, it becomes a museum object and loses its power to corrupt. Departments in the Museum of Corruption, which is entirely online at the moment, include Corruption of Time, Corruption of Language, Corruption of Personality and more. To hear more about this project and other works, listen to the complete interview. […]


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