Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeInterviewsArtistsElise Ferguson

Elise Ferguson

Influenced by color theory, design history and international traditions in geometric abstraction, I grew up in a household where my mother was a women’s clothing designer and my stepfather was an architect. These two very personal visions – my mother’s love of textiles and construction and my stepfather’s introduction to the classics of modernism – had a deep impact on my development. Their influences percolated up in intriguing ways. A key point in my work is color as communication – an associative, subjective relationship, based on a lifetime of visual memories. Rejecting the notion of abstract art as a “universal language” – my work hints at pictographic signs, logo-grams, alphabetic scripts and cuneiform writing. I am interested in the highly subjective responses to composition and color.

During the past two years, I have begun to expand the parameters of my work to include hand-printed textile installations, outdoor projects and sculptural works. Having long employed printmaking techniques in my paintings and frequently making reference to textiles and textile design, my linen installations bring together several of the themes in my work into a single piece. With the sculptural work, I have begun working with vitreous enamel on steel. This particular material combination is fantastic for its luminous glass-like quality, intense colors and its extreme durability.

Elise Ferguson lives in Brooklyn and works in Queens, NY.

For more information click here and here.

Privet 2019 Silk screen ink, Acrylic paint, linen 84”x 104”x 26”
Triumph 2019 40”x60” Pigmented plaster on panel
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  1. […] Elise Ferguson recently delivered a number of works on paper for an upcoming gallery show. Many of the pieces were ones she didn’t have the chance to finish until the pandemic opened up her time. As there is still a global pandemic, the show itself will be a hybrid of online viewing and the opportunity to make an appointment to see the work in person. Ferguson plans to produce a short companion video about her studio practice and the meaning behind the work to complement the show. She feels this is a more honest way to explain her process than a written document which she says would not be her strength. To hear more about Elise Ferguson’s work including her process and background, right down to the way in which the color combinations her mother wore in the late 70s/early 80s influences her artistic aesthetic today, listen to the complete interview. […]


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