Sunday, February 9, 2025

Annie Lapin

Annie Lapin was born in Washington, D.C. and lives in Los Angeles.

She received a Bachelor of Arts from Yale University in 2001; a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2004; and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2007.

One-person exhibitions of Lapin’s work have been presented at the Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC (2013); Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara, CA (2012); Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena, CA (2009); and Grand Arts, Kansas City, MO (2008).

Her work has been included in group exhibitions such as Her Crowd: New Art by Women from Our Neighbors’ Private Collections, Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT (2016); Sincerely Yours, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA (2015); The Go-Between, Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy (2014); Chasm of the Supernova, Center for the Arts Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, CA (2012); La Californie, The Museum of Public Fiction, Los Angeles, CA (2011); Baker’s Dozen III, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA (2011); Unfinished Paintings, LACE: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA (2011); and NewNow, Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, KS (2009). Lapin was the recipient of the Falk Visiting Artist Reward from the Weatherspoon Art Museum in Greensboro, NC in 2013. She lives and works in Los Angeles.

A Play oil paint, Cel-Vinyl paint, charcoal, acrylic, urethane medium on linen 72″x96″ 2016
Studio, taken 3/16/18
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  1. […] Annie Lapin is presently working on a body of mixed media paintings. She says the work is a continuation and outgrowth of her past work. Since graduating from grad school in 2008, her work has evolved over time. Initially she found that energetic narrative and impulsive mark making defined her work, over time she began removing figures from her work instead creating almost romanticized landscape style work. Another evolution brought her to seek subconscious practice. This transition has been a letting go of over thinking. As she has “grown up” and moved further from grad school she has discovered that her favorite artists have always been those who follow some strange calling down a rabbit hole. Art that comes from the incomprehensible and yet reaches the viewer. In her work, Lapin accesses the weirdest parts of herself. She majored in art at Yale as an undergrad before receiving her Masters Degree from University of California, Los Angeles. Following grad school, Lapin was supporting herself with her art. Eventually though, she felt she needed to pull back and attempt to quell her over-thinking tendencies. Lapin’s present “idiosyncratic rabbit hole” involves creating a space with a certain credible logic that also crumbles and changes depending on the viewer. To do this, she has created a system where she finds images in a mess. From what she describes as mechanically created accidents on the canvas, she corrals images for her paintings. The show she is presently working on will open in New York in October, 2018. To hear Annie discuss her smaller, multi-plane works, listen to the complete interview. […]


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