Friday, January 24, 2025

Aneta Szyłak

aneta1705ANETA SZY­ŁAK – foun­der and first direc­tor of Wyspa Institute of Art (2004−2014) and Cen­ter for Con­tem­po­rary Art Łaź­nia (1998−2001); cur­ren­tly, pre­si­dent and arti­stic direc­tor of Alter­na­tiva Foun­da­tion and director’s ple­ni­po­ten­tiary for esta­bli­shing Museum of Modern Art in Natio­nal Museum in Gdańsk.

Aneta Szy­łak is an author and arti­stic direc­tor of Inter­na­tio­nal Festi­val of Visual Arts Alter­na­tiva. She cura­ted (indi­vi­du­ally and col­la­bo­ra­ti­vely) exhi­bi­tions like Eve­ry­day­ness (2014), Hito Stey­erl: Abs­tract (2014), Oli­ver Res­sler: Political Visions – The World Anew (2014), The Field is to the Sky, Only Bac­kward (2013), Mate­ria­lity (2012), Buil­dings and Rem­nants (2012), Labour and Leisure (2011), Estran­ge­ment (2011, 2010), Dockwat­chers (2005), Palimpsest Museum (2004), BHP (2004) and Archi­tec­ture of Gen­der (2003). She co-​​authored the book The Cura­to­rial. A Phi­lo­so­phy of Cura­ting (2013). Szy­łak gave lec­tu­res at Bard Col­lege, New School, Queens College and NYU; she wor­ked as a visitng fel­low rese­ar­cher at Aca­demy of Arts in Mainz and Uni­ver­sity of Copen­ha­gen. Cur­ren­tly she is pre­pa­ring her PhD the­sis, Cura­ting Con­text. The Palimp­sest on the Quoti­dian and the Cura­to­rial under Curatorial/​Knowledge pro­gramme at Gold­smi­ths Col­lage and Uni­ver­sity of Copen­ha­gen. Aneta Szy­łak is acti­vely enga­ged with pre­se­rva­tion of post-​​industrial heri­tage in Gdańsk.

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