“I am afraid. Not of life, or death, or nothingness, but of wasting it as if I had never been.”
-Daniel Keys, Flowers for Algernon
Kati Gegenheimer joined us to talk about her show, Passages, which runs until November 16 at Kristen Lorello Gallery. Each work for the show was created singularly, accumulating over time in her studio. As they came together, they began to feel like a part of something bigger – a space to move between, an excerpt, passages. That’s where the title was born. To learn more about this exhibition and Gegenheimer’s work, including the diaristic nature of the works in this show, listen to the complete interview.
Michael Iveson chatted with us about his show, Anon, on view until December 5 at Foreign and Domestic Gallery. Anon refers to the characters Iveson has painted for this exhibition, all of whom appear obscured in some way. Iveson works with newspapers and magazines, using a solvent and white oil paint mixture to extract the ink from the images to use as paint. To learn more about this process, listen to the complete interview.
A few words to keep in your pocket
I repeat, hold on.
Join me at in the Financial District for See Stop Run, a survey of work by Christopher Wool.
Interviews are available on iTunes as podcasts, and for Android, please click here. All weekly essay pieces are here in a shareable format. The full archive of interviews is here.
More books to read
Ours is a community of readers. Tell us what books you’re reading now by adding your titles to our reading list here. Praxis user Bob recommends Spinoza’s Religion: A New Reading of the Ethics by Clare Carlisle.
Apply now for the EFA Studio Program offering subsidized Midtown studios, curatorial visits, and a supportive artist community. No application fee. Open to commuting artists, selected anonymously by art professionals. Learn more at the website. Deadline for applications is December 1.
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