We just love celebrating the successes of our students. Watching them grow and their careers move forward is one of the most rewarding parts of what we do here at Praxis and the very reason we exist in the first place. Once in a while it is nice to see the wide variety of good news that is coming our way every day from real students just like you who have taken our courses to heart and made incredible things happen. Because at the end of the day, all we can do is to show you the tools. You are the one who has to pick them up and use them.
Here, in their own words, are some recent successes from our amazing students:
“Update on the responses from the letter I sent – I have had 2 donations for a total of $140. This is building my confidence”
“Well, shows do come down. I took this one down last night. But it brought a commission, and proposals have been made. I’m happy to be part of this class!”
“Those newsletters and blogs Brainard suggests really work. I sent out my newsletter Sunday morning and had a sale within a few hours.”
“I’m proud and super stoked to say that the project I was on was awarded a year two of funding. THANK YOU PRAXIS for helping me take the steps I need to keep my career growing and expanding beyond my comfort zone, in good way, a very good way.”
“I have incredible news! The gift shop director for Memorial Art Gallery, (it’s actually a museum),Rochester, New York, is taking ten (10!!!!!!) of my paintings to sell in shop July to September! It’s just like having my own gallery show but better because I am actually SELLING it!!!!!!! VICTORY!!!!!!”
Whether it is finding the courage to reach out to local galleries and museums, or the nudge you need to send your first batch of letters to potential patrons and sponsors, Praxis Center offers real world, practical advice for artists who are ready to take the next step outside their comfort zones and start making some big changes to the way they approach their artistic careers. For just $40/month you receive access to our full suite of courses, the community of our virtual classroom and support from experts in the field. Join us today and maybe soon you will be our next success story. Here’s to victory!
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