This is a transition time. The weather turns from summer warmth toward late autumn chill and the leaves shed their green to reveal the jewel tones hidden beneath. As nature gets ready to slumber until spring, an artist must not give in to the pull to slow down. Rather this is the time to begin thinking about the next year in your life and what you will do to progress your career moving forward. Here are three opportunities to keep you on your toes as slumber overtakes the world around us.
The Hopper Prize awards five grants of $1,000 each to artists at all levels of their career working across the entire range of media. Additionally, 30 artists will have their work archived at The jury is made up of two curators who will select the winners. There are no restrictions on media or subject matter for this prize. To learn more, visit the website. Deadline for applications is November 13.
The Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland invites artists to submit their work to the very first International Competition for Intermedia Artwork. The inaugural competition has been divided into two parts, a competition for intermedia artwork and a competition for intermedia artwork concept. Artists may enter one or both parts of the competition. This juried competition is open to artists of all ages and at all stages of their careers. There are no restrictions on when submitted work was created but artists must have full authorship of all submitted pieces or concepts. Monetary prizes will be awarded. For complete details, visit the website. Deadline for submissions is November 23.
Applications are now open for the Arte Laguna Prize. This well known and respected competition held annually in Venice has launched careers. In the 13 years it has been running, over 42,000 artists from 120 countries have participated. There are multiple prizes and artists can enter all of them by submitting a single application. Prize money for all categories totals 200,000 euros. For more information, and to enter the competition, visit the website. Deadline is November 27.
At Praxis Center, we take pride in knowing that our artists develop the skills they need to keep their career running 365 days a year no matter what. It takes a special commitment to focus on your career throughout the year, an acceptance that in many ways there is no time to rest. Every moment of every day counts when you and you alone are responsible for running your career. This is very much a case where there is no plan b for success. Join today for just $40/month and get all the tools you need to forge a strong career that can weather any season.
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