Sunday, February 9, 2025

Šejma Fere

Šejma Fere creates collages, mixed media artworks and installations. Her artworks deal with potential of multiple narratives. She is discovering hidden values and uses of found material to create new structures out of it. Her paintings are created in the mode of free associations from numerous fragments, using the recycled materials, technique of collage and digital process. There, by means of the non-linear narration about private sphere, she explores the entanglement of borders of intimate and public space and investigates the ideological constructs, gender stereotypes and the economic conditions that govern home and everyday life. Sewing patterns, lists, charts and statistic data appropriated from textbooks, documents, furniture catalogs and lifestyle magazines are parts of reality that intrude the private sphere and indicate a failed attempt to adapt to prescribed and homogenized world of mass culture. By superimposing one structure onto another, domestic surrounding is presented as a stage where characters live their reality brought by modern life and technology. These multiple perspectives create spatial and temporal disorientation. It is an open work where viewers fill the gaps and create their own interpretation, becoming a part of this imagined world. She graduated painting and printmaking. Lives and works in Belgrade.

In the interview Sejma mentioned the following;

Norient, audio visual gallery and community for the sound of the world.
“Among Women: Serbian Contemporary Art”, curated by Rachel Klipa, 937 Gallery, 937 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (opening on September 6, 2021)
“We are alive”, exhibition of Saša Stojanović and Šejma Fere, Gallery Šok Koridor, Art Klinika, Novi Sad (14 September-30 October, 2021 in Šok koriodor, Art klinika, Novi Sad)

Books mentioned:
Tomi Ungerer, children books, J.P. Oliva, L’isolation thermique écologique, Agatha Christie, An Autobiography, George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London.

Šejma Fere, Sofi, kolaž, 2019
House in zemun, 2018- 2021
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Marcelle Reinecke

Leo Frontini

Antonia Caicedo Holguin


  1. […] Šejma Fere spoke to us in mid-April from Belgrade. Three years ago she had a baby and bought a house, both of which continue to consume much of her time and energy. Renovating the 100-year-old house, which will become her home and studio, has been an educational experience, giving her insight and respect into the building process. She saved the antique house from destruction and says that in the area many old buildings are knocked down to build apartment complexes. As an artist, Fere is a collagist as well as working with mixed-media and installation pieces. Through the renovation process, which Fere is undertaking slowly with the help of family and friends, she has learned about new materials to work with. To hear more about this herculean task, a future exhibition in Pittsburgh and more, listen to the complete interview. […]

  2. […] Šejma Fere spoke to us in mid-April from Belgrade. Three years ago she had a baby and bought a house, both of which continue to consume much of her time and energy. Renovating the 100-year-old house, which will become her home and studio, has been an educational experience, giving her insight and respect into the building process. She saved the antique house from destruction and says that in the area many old buildings are knocked down to build apartment complexes. As an artist, Fere is a collagist as well as working with mixed-media and installation pieces. Through the renovation process, which Fere is undertaking slowly with the help of family and friends, she has learned about new materials to work with. To hear more about this herculean task, a future exhibition in Pittsburgh and more, listen to the complete interview. […]


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