Friday, July 26, 2024

Richard Julin

richard-julin-deputy-director-amp-chief-curator-highRichard Julin is Deputy Director and Chief curator at Magasin III Museum & Foundation for Contemporary Art in Stockholm, Sweden.

He focuses on productions of new work with contemporary artists. In the last years artists’ collaborations include Andrea Zittel, Tino Sehgal, Miranda July, Pipilotti Rist, Tom Friedman, Mona Hatoum, Katharina Grosse, Sofia Hultén and Ayse Erkmen.

He is an Affiliated Professor and teacher at the Stockholm University, Department of History of Art, International Master Program in Curating Art.

In the interview, the upcoming show we’re discussing is listed here, for further reading.  

Learn more about other shows curated by Richard Julin by clicking on this link.

Pipilotti Rist, Tyngdkraft, var min vän, (Gravity, Be My Friend,) 2007, Installation view
Installation view from the exhibition wizz eyelashes, September 19, 2014-June 7, 2015 at Magasin III. Photo: Christian Saltas. Magasin III Museum & Foundation for Contemporary Art. Art works from left to right: Katharina Grosse, Untitled, 2014 ; Walter De Maria, Large Rod Series: Circle/Rectangle 13, 1986, Katharina Grosse, Untitled, 2004
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