Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeInterviewsArtistsPhilipp Lachenmann

Philipp Lachenmann

Philipp Lachenmann

Philipp Lachenmann (born 1963, Germany) studied in Munich Film (University of Film and Television HFF) as well as Art History and Philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian University LMU, and Art at the Academy of Media Arts (KHM) Cologne.

In his conceptual art practice Lachenmann is interested in the conditions and mechanisms of collective imagery, and their function concerning confrontations, voids, and fractures in society.

Exhibitions include Shanghai Biennale (2004), Taxispalais Innsbruck (2004), Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (2006), K21 – Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Duesseldorf (2008), Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (2010), Deichtorhallen Hamburg (2011), Haus der Kulturen der Welt HKW, Berlin (2013, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn (2013), Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, Berlin (2015), Pinakothek der Moderne, München (2015).

Lachenmann’s films have been screened at MIT Short Film Festival Boston (2008), IFFR Rotterdam (2009), SFIFF San Francisco International Film Festival (2010), SIFF Seattle (2010), NYFF New York (2010) and HKIFF Hongkong (2011).

Grants and fellowships include Villa Massimo, Rome (2012), Cité des Arts, Paris (2008), Villa Aurora, Los Angeles (2003), and DAAD New York (1998).

Lachenmann works in Berlin and Los Angeles. Learn more on his website.  See more videos here. 


Whitney Singerie, 2004 (Visual_01)_Lachenmann
Whitney Singerie, 2004 (Visual_01)_Lachenmann
MIRROR-SERIES (Brushstroke_1_L), 2004:2014_Lachenmann_1
Mirror Series (Brushstroke_1_L), 2004/2014_Lachenmann,
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