Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomeInterviewsArtistsMichael Jacobson

Michael Jacobson

Self-Portrait of Michael Jacobsen

Michael Jacobson is a writer, artist, and independent curator from Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. His books include The Giant’s Fence (Ubu Editions), Action Figures (Avance Publishing), Mynd Eraser,  The Paranoia Machine,  and his latest collected writings Works & Interviews; he is also co-editor of An Anthology Of Asemic Handwriting (Uitgeverij). Besides writing books, he curates a gallery for asemic writing called The New Post-Literate, and sits on the editorial board of Recently, he was published in The Last Vispo Anthology (Fantagraphics), and curated the Minnesota Center for Book Arts exhibit: Asemic Writing: Offline & In The Gallery. In 2013 he was interviewed by SampleKanon and Asymptote Journal, and in 2016 by David Alan Binder . Currently, he created cover art for Rain Taxi’s 2014 winter issue, and as of 2017 he has become a publisher at Post-Asemic Press. In his spare time, he is working on designing a cyberspace planet dubbed THAT. His Ello studio can be found here: @asemicwriter.

The book mentioned in the interview that is currently reading is The Voynich Manuscript, author unknown. He speculates the author to be Annius of Viterbo.
Ghost Moon Calligraphy by MK JCBSN
Fire Breathing Action Figure: An Asemic Graffiti Hieroglyph Poem by MK JCBSN


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