Sunday, February 9, 2025

Jane Fine

I received my B.A., magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1980 in Visual and Environmental Studies and an M.A. from Tufts University and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in 1983.  I am a recipient of grants from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, The New York Foundation for the Arts and The National Endowment for the Arts, Individual Artist’s Fellowship program.

I have been a resident at The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, The Millay Colony , The Cité Internationale des Artes in Paris, The Golden Foundation and The Hermitage Artists Retreat in Florida.

My paintings and drawings have been exhibited nationally and internationally for over twenty years, including solo shows in in Houston, Boston, Milan, Leipzig and San Francisco. In 2014 a five-year survey of my work was on exhibit at Colgate University. My most recent one-person show, Love, American Style, was in 2018 at Pierogi Gallery in the Lower East Side of New York.

In addition to individual work I also make collaborative drawings with my husband, James Esber. This work, exhibited under the fairly transparent pseudonym “J. Fiber” has been included in numerous group shows in the United States.

I have lived and worked in Williamsburg, Brooklyn since 1986.

The books mentioned in the interview is by Dani Shapiro, Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love.

Rise Up, 2018, 78” x 64”, acrylic on canvas
Make Love Not War, 2018, acrylic on wood, 8” x 10″
Collaboration, by J. Fiber (aka Jane Fine & James Esber), Front and Back, 2019, acrylic and ink on paper, 30” x 22”
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  1. […] Jane Fine is finishing up a productive summer filled with residencies. For the month of June she was at MacDowell Colony. As summer comes to an end, she is processing all that she’s done in the recent months. During her time at MacDowell, she felt the juxtaposition of the cheerful atmosphere at the residency and the state of the larger world. She decided to allow herself to feel the beauty of the place in the knowledge that she would make her way back to the complex issues facing us today. This contrast, she says, brings new perspective to the darker pieces of the present. To hear more about Jane Fine’s time at MacDowell Colony, her collaborative work with her husband and other shades from her work and life, listen to the complete interview. […]

  2. […] Jane Fine is finishing up a productive summer filled with residencies. For the month of June she was at MacDowell Colony. As summer comes to an end, she is processing all that she’s done in the recent months. During her time at MacDowell, she felt the juxtaposition of the cheerful atmosphere at the residency and the state of the larger world. She decided to allow herself to feel the beauty of the place in the knowledge that she would make her way back to the complex issues facing us today. This contrast, she says, brings new perspective to the darker pieces of the present. To hear more about Jane Fine’s time at MacDowell Colony, her collaborative work with her husband and other shades from her work and life, listen to the complete interview. […]


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