Sunday, September 15, 2024

Felicia Rice

Felicia Rice collaborates with visual artists, performing artists and writers to create artists’ books in which word and image meet and merge. She employs traditional typography and bookmaking methods in conjunction with digital technology, bringing the flexibility of screen-based design to the texture and history of the letterpress-printed page.

Work from the Press has been included in exhibitions and collections both nationally and internationally, from AIGA Annual Book Shows in New York and Frankfurt to the Victoria & Albert Museum. Moving Parts Press has been the recipient of numerous awards and grants including The Rydell Visual Arts Fellowship, Elliston Book Award, Stiftung Buchkunst Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt Ehrendiplom, and grants from the NEA, CAC and the French Ministry of Culture.

Felicia explores the book as performance art in her spoken word performance practice. In 2014 Felicia Rice published the artists’ book, DOC/UNDOC, a seven-year collaboration with four others: Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Gustavo Vazquez, Jennifer Gonzalez and Zachary Watkins. Through the process of developing this transmedia project, Felicia experienced a profound transformation that led to her work as a performance artist.

The book she mentioned reading is Gilead.

CODEX ESPANGLIENSIS is a collaborative artists’ book made up of performance texts and poems by Guillermo Gómez-Peña interwoven with collage imagery by Enrique Chagoya into book form by Felicia Rice of Moving Parts Press


A mixed-media production housed in a hi-tech aluminum case, which contains Felicia Rice’s artists’ book with performance texts by artist/writer Guillermo Gómez-Peña and critical commentary by art historian Jennifer González; video by artist Gustavo Vazquez; and sound art by Zachary Watkins.
A mixed-media production housed in a hi-tech aluminum case, which contains Felicia Rice’s artists’ book with performance texts by artist/writer Guillermo Gómez-Peña and critical commentary by art historian Jennifer González; video by artist Gustavo Vazquez; and sound art by Zachary Watkins.
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