Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ellen Letcher

East Village NYC, photo by Nikko Hinderstein

Ellen Letcher (b. 1972 Willoughby, OH) grew up in Baltimore, studied in Florida and has been living and working in NYC for the past 18 years. Letcher worked in magazine publishing for over a decade and co-founded Famous Accountants Art Gallery in 2009. Her work is interwoven between these worlds— as artist and curator— tracing back to her time in publishing. Thrice over and currently, she is headquartered in a basement bunker.

Famous Accountants enjoyed a two-year run, inspired by Austin’s Thomas’ Pocket Utopia and following in her spirit of gallery-as-sketchbook. Pocket Utopia’s first incarnation was in Bushwick, birthing a rich artist community that is still expanding. PU eventually reopened in a new home in LES, later merging as Hansel & Gretal Picture Garden/Pocket Utopia in Chelsea.

Ellen Letcher’s work is currently on view in Torn and Fired at Outlet Gallery curated by Jason Andrew, founding director of Norte Maar.

Collage Tape Painting: Title: You Keep Missing It, Hold it for 17 Seconds, 2015
Bats & Books: Title: At Bat, Gates Institute Windmills, 2015
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