Monday, January 20, 2025

Caren Beilin

Caren Beilin is the author of a nonfiction book on gendered medical gaslighting, Blackfishing the IUD (Wolfman Books, 2019), a memoir, SPAIN (Rescue Press, 2018), and a novel, The University of Pennsylvania (Noemi Press, 2014).

Her writing can be found in Fence, LA Review of Books, Territory, and New Life Quarterly. She teaches creative writing at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in the Berkshires.

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  1. […] Caren Beilin is the author of Blackfishing the IUD, a nonfiction about gendered medical gaslighting. She is also an assistant professor of creative writing at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. It was there that she began work on this book. Life as a professor, she says, is one where you work alongside students. Six of her students at MCLA helped produce a podcast with the same title. The book talks about the copper IUD, a very popular birth control device, and her own story of the device making her very ill. When this happened she stumbled upon a world of others who also had terrible experiences with the device. To hear more about this and livve readings by the author, listen to the complete interview. […]

  2. […] Caren Beilin is the author of Blackfishing the IUD, a nonfiction about gendered medical gaslighting. She is also an assistant professor of creative writing at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts. It was there that she began work on this book. Life as a professor, she says, is one where you work alongside students. Six of her students at MCLA helped produce a podcast with the same title. The book talks about the copper IUD, a very popular birth control device, and her own story of the device making her very ill. When this happened she stumbled upon a world of others who also had terrible experiences with the device. To hear more about this and livve readings by the author, listen to the complete interview. […]


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