Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ahlem Kebir

Ahlem Kebir

Ahlem Kebir, 25 years old. PhD student in cultural heritage and co-founder of Ineffable art & culture.

Ineffable art and culture is a digital Magazine, which strives to embody the concept of “Art and culture for all”, it aspires to a popularization of this discipline, and bring it to a human scale through life experiences.

The magazine focuses on the Algerian culture, but approaches it in a whole new way. We investigate the features of the Algerian identity in art and contemporary practices, in order to discern how the new generations express and affirm themselves in their culture.

Connect on Facebook, Instagram, or through the website.

An article about how young generations live their Algerianity (6th edition pages 40-41)
Previous articleEmireth Herrera
Next articleSeren Morey



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