After numerous other shows, Reina Sofia, MOMA, Whitney solo show in 2007, they began a new artist project – building an institution, MONA, (The Museum of Non-Visible Art). MONA is currently interviewing artists, curators, and writers from all over the world, as part of an artist-built institution and a social practice. Over 600 interviews have been conducted so far – The Archive of interviews is here.
A Brief History of Praxis.
Praxis launched a Kickstarter project for the Museum of Non-Visible Art in 2011. Click here to see what that was all about.
Praxis was included in the biennial in Slovenia where non-visible workshops were created. A news clip from Slovenia is here.
The Sculpture Center featured MONA on their blog.
If you simply want a pdf resume of Praxis, click here., or for the wiki short form description, click here.
If you want to see all the books these two busy artists are writing, go on over to the their author website – yes, by clicking here.
But maybe you want to see Praxis at the Whitney Biennial in their classic performance of washing feet and giving out hugs? If so, then clicking here will transport you there via a news clip from CBS television.
Or if you you want to read the Fairytale about it all, this will take you there.
For the whole archive, see the original site and start digging by clicking here.